Monday, July 23, 2012

TU TITHE MEE - Should you tell your spouse about your ex ? Should I share my sexual past with my soon-to-be spouse ?

Should I share my sexual past with my soon-to-be spouse?

Should you tell your spouse about your ex?

Click the link below and see what can happen if you don't (or do) or you will land up like the heroine in the Marathi Serial TU TITHE MEE

Academic and Creative Writing Journal Vikram Karve: TRUST DEFICIT

So just click the link below and read about TRUST DEFICIT and JOHARI WINDOW in my journal

Academic and Creative Writing Journal Vikram Karve: TRUST DEFICIT

TRUST DEFICIT Musings on Trust in Relationships By VIKRAM KARVE 
 “Should I tell my would-be spouse everything about my past?” ...

Academic and Creative Writing Journal Vikram Karve: TRUST DEFICIT

Click the link above and read the full article in my journal